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发布日期: 2022-06-21 来源:湖州市人民政府外事办公室


Since June 18,2022, the “7 + 7” health management measures for inbound international travelers have been implemented in Zhejiang Province. Please see the details as follows:

1. 对入境人员实行“ 7+ 7”健康管理措施:即先实施7天集中隔 离医学观察,第 1、2、3、5、7 天各进行 1 次核酸检测,其中第 7 天为“双采双检”;对上述核酸检测阴性者,继续实施7天居家健康观察,第 2、4、7 天各进行1次核酸检测,结果为阴性的结束健康管理措施。

“7 + 7” health management measures for inbound international travelers include: 7-day centralized quarantine for medical observation , with 5 nucleic acid tests respectively on the 1st ,2nd ,3rd ,5th , and 7th day with a “double test” on the 7th day, if all test results show negative, then followed by another 7-day health observation at home, with three nucleic acid tests respectively on the 2nd ,4th , and 7th day. The health management measures will be lifted if all test results show negative.

2. 我省口岸入境且目的地为省内的人员,结束集中隔离医学观察后,由目的地设区市政府统筹负责,闭环转运至目的地实施居家健康观察。目前尚在集中隔离医学观察期且超过 7 天的入境人员,进行1次“双采双检”后可转入居家健康观察,超出的天数可折抵后续居家健康观察天数。

When the centralized quarantine ends up, the inbound international travelers entering Zhejiang with the cities in Zhejiang province as the final destinations shall be transferred in closed loop to the destination cities for the health observation at home, which is in the responsibility of the destination municipal government. For those who have already stayed for more than 7 days under the centralized quarantine for medical observation can be transferred to the health observation at home after a “double test ”. The additional days exceeding 7 can be converted into the home health observation days.

3. 我省口岸入境且目的地为省外的入境人员,结束集中隔离医学观察后,承诺7天内不再返回浙江的,由省外目的地疫情防控部门确认并落实专人专车“点对点”接回。离开集中隔离医学观察场所时“健康码”赋黄码,7 天后自动转为绿码。不满足上述“点对点”接回等条件的,应继续在浙落实7天居家健康观察;其中不具备居家健康观察条件的,可在属地政府指定的酒店进行居家健康观察。居家健康观察期满后,结束健康管理措施,“健康码” 赋绿码,可乘坐公共交通工具离浙。

When the centralized quarantine ends up, the inbound international travelers entering Zhejiang but planning to leave for other provinces as the next destination, promising not to return to Zhejiang within 7 days, will be confirmed and transferred in closed loop to the destination city by the local epidemic prevention and control department in other provinces.  When leaving the centralized quarantine site, the person will get a yellow “health code”, which will automatically turn green in 7 days. If the transfer cannot meet the closed-loop requirements, the person shall continue to implement 7-day home health observation in Zhejiang. Those who don’t have proper conditions for the health observation at home shall be settled in the hotel designated by the local government. When the home health observation period expires, the health management measures will be lifted and the “health code” will turn green. The travelers can take public transport to leave Zhejiang.

4. 省外口岸入境且目的地为我省的人员,在第一入境地实施健康管理措施满14天的,入浙后无需管控;未满14天的,入浙后按照现行闭环转运要求转运至目的地,补齐“ 7+ 7”健康管理措施。上海口岸入境且目的地为我省的人员,在上海集中隔离 3 天后,转运至嘉兴继续集中隔离 4 天,期满后由目的地设区市政府统筹负责,闭环转运至省内目的地实施7天居家健康观察。

Travelers planning to visit Zhejiang but having entered via the ports outside Zhejiang, if already conducted the 14-day health management, shall not be put again under medical observation measures when entering Zhejiang province. However, those who spend less than 14 days outside Zhejiang shall be transferred to the destination city in Zhejiang according to the current closed-loop requirements, in order to complement the “7 + 7” health management measures.Those who enter Shanghai port with Zhejiang as the destination will be transferred to Jiaxing for a 4-day centralized quarantine after a 3-day quarantine in Shanghai. When the 7-day centralized quarantine ends up, the local government of destination city will offer the closed-loop transfer for the travelers to get to their destinations for the following 7-day health observation at home.



(一) 集中隔离医学观察。集中隔离医学观察人员“健康码”赋红码,单人单间居住在指定的集中隔离医学观察场所,尽可能避免与他人直接接触。在接收和解除隔离需要转运等情况下,应规范落实个人防护措施,保持人员间 1 米以上距离。严格避免交叉感染情况发生。14 岁以下儿童、孕产妇、患有严重基础性疾病、半自理及无自理能力等不适宜单独居住者,经集中隔离场所工作人员评估后,可按照有关规定执行;有特殊情况的,由集中隔离医学观察人员(或其法定监护人) 申请并经属地疫情防控部门同意后,可实施居家隔离医学观察。

Centralized Quarantine for Medical Observation

People during centralized quarantine for medical observation will get the red “health code”, live alone in the designated quarantine place to avoid any direct contact with others. In the cases of receiving and lifting of quarantine, all personal protective measures should be normatively followed and all the people on the site should keep more than 1 meter distance from each other, in order to strictly avoid the cross-infection. For the people not suitable for living alone, such as children under 14 years old, pregnant and lying-in women, those who suffer from serious basic diseases, with very limited or without self-care ability,the staff in the quarantine place should make the evaluation and follow the relative management guidelines if necessary.On special circumstances, the quarantined people or their legal guardians may apply for the quarantine at home, which can only be implemented with the approval of the local epidemic prevention and control department.

(二) 居家健康观察。居家健康观察人员“健康码”赋黄码,单人单间居住,使用独立卫生间。非就医等必要情况不离家外出;确需离家外出的,须经负责其管控的村(社区)或单位批准,在做好个人防护前提下“点对点”前往,不得乘坐公共交通工具。其间核酸采样原则上须由社区安排上门进行。建议居家健康观察人员单独居住;如家人需同住的,同住人员“健康码”赋黄码,管控举措及核酸检测频次等同居家健康观察人员。同住人员须与居家健康观察人员在家里相对独立居住,避免接触,不得共用餐具、毛巾、浴巾、床单等物品。需居家健康观察的人员不具备居家健康观察条件的,可在属地政府指定的酒店进行居家健康观察。

Health Observation at Home

People under the health observation at home will get the yellow “health code”, live alone in a single room with private bathroom. They should avoid going outside unnecessarily, except for the medical treatment. if it is a “must go”, they should get the approval from the village / community or the administration in charge of their health observation, and pay the “point to point” visit with complete personal protection. Taking public transport is not allowed. During the observation period, the NAT will be organized in principal by the community through the door-to-door service. It is recommended that people under home medical observation live alone in an apartment. If the family members still have to live together in this case, their health code will turn yellow, too. And they need to comply with the same measures and take the NAT as often as those who under the observation at home. People under the medical observation at home should avoid any contact with other family members, and never share the tableware, towels, sheets,etc.  People who need the health observation at home but have not the proper conditions for it could take the observation in the hotel designated by the local government.


Please be noted that the travel information of all international travelers planning to come to Huzhou should be reported to the communities/villages or work units by the travelers themselves or their contact person in China in advance.